
TeamChat is intended for chatting with colleagues within focus groups, as well as sharing files, scheduling appointments, or organizing web conferences. You can work with multiple TeamChat accounts at once.

You can find all your TeamChat public rooms together with private in the list of the rooms .

Figure. The main TeamChat screen.

Choose a room or create one (see How to create a new room) to start communication.

You can filter rooms by name, just start typing the name of the room.

Choose the tab to find a room.

  • All shows all rooms where you are participating

  • Recent shows all chat rooms with some recent activity

  • Archive shows archived rooms

Public and Private Rooms

  • Public Room: This is an open room that anyone in your group can join and see the whole conversation.
  • Private Room: There can be situations where you need to chat just with a selected group. In this case, you can create a private room and invite specific people to join.

  • Only people who have been invited to a private room can see that room.

Note: When you create a room, you are always prompted to choose whether you want a public or private room.